In 2013, the French Ministry of Higher Education launched in 2013 the project “France Université Numérique” (FUN) to create a MOOC platform dedicated to French and Francophone universities and their international academic partners. In 2015, a public organization, called FUN-MOOC, was created to carry on the FUN platform. The objectives of this organization are to manage the platform and its evolutions, to develop new partnerships and activities, in the context of life-long learning education and to increase its international visibility especially in the Francophone world. This organization has 29 members (representing more than 190 French HE institutions) and 25 public and private partners.
In january 2017, FUN provides access to more than 270 MOOCs, produced by more than 90 higher education institutions. More than 900,000 users are registered on the platform and the number of course registrations was around 2 700,000.
New usages of MOOCs are currently observed with their reuse in SPOCs (Small Private Online Course). The first one consists in using the courses on campus with a class, as a substitute of the main lecture, thus encouraging flipped classroom and blended/hybrid learning. The second one is the strong development of SPOCs for life-long learning and continuous training, in companies or for unemployed people.
France Université Numérique
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